Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mini Cam Sync V2

Today I received some parts for the MiniCamSync V2. It's one of the new features of this new version I want to build. The mini trigger wheel. I originally had 12-1 but my friend Prescott said let's try more. So here it is. Using wire EMD it is tremendously precise. With the inner radius of the teeth a mear .008". The outside diameter of this part is under one half inch as well. It's tiny.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Trying Something New

Hey everyone,

So you found my new Blog. Great! I plan to use this method to get my ideas, new products and projects posted quickly. In the years past I spent a good deal of time in the forums helping learning and expanding my horizons. But as business has grown, time has shrank. With the rise of Social media most of my time is focused on Facebook or Instagram to get information to the public. But I have realized that as wonderful as that is it cost a good amount of money for my post to get very far away from my core crowd. What makes this even tougher is the group that does not use Social media.

I figure that I already have my website I might as well use it a little more and decided to start this blog. From here I should be able to get more information posted even if it's not actual site content. Just a good place to get all my random endeavors in one spot. It's going to take some time to get use to so check back weekly to see what's new.

Thank all!
